Rise and Prosper

Unlock your potential and create lifestyle freedom

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Are any of these blocking your ability to live life on your terms?

  • Lack of consistent harmony and rhythm in life
  • Conflicting priorities
  • Struggling to make decisions or manage a life transition
  • Financial worry
  • Stalled by uncertainty – because something has to change but you don't know what

You can live bigger!

Rise + Prosper will get you there with:

A Sustainable Plan

You'll define your destination and build a personalized life map so you can bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to go in life faster.

Money Think

You can't avoid talking about money forever. Rise+Prosper will guide you through the challenges of understanding your money mindset instead of letting it be a barrier to living the life you dream about.

A flexible, proven system

Because managing life and its many responsibilities is easier-and more fun-when you align your dreams with your daily actions within a system that works.

The support you crave

Day-to-day life is hard! Rise+Prosper offers the right mix of structure, accountability and motivation so you can drop the guilt and feel great!

-Karin Ulik, life and mindset coach

We're caught in a world that seems to change daily, making it hard to establish a consistent pattern of life.

Do you ever wish you had someone to swoop in and help you figure out it all out? So did I!

This program is the one I was looking for when I needed help figuring out the path to my dreams. The one that helps you create lifestyle freedom and manage all areas of life better. A program that offers structure yet flexibility. One that feels like a comforting hug but also an honest kick-in-the-butt when needed. It's not be a one-size-fits-all approach because no two of us are the same. Oh, yeah, it has to fit into an already jam-packed schedule because no one can ditch their current responsibilities to chase shiny carrots!

Rise+Prosper is all this and more. I'm so excited for you to join me inside this one-of-a-kind program!

Getting Started is Easy

Rise+Prosper is a complete program broken down into step-by-step actions designed to help you shift your mindset, attitude, beliefs and behavior so you can create wealth in every area of your life.

keynote for corporate parents

Choose Your Program

We all have different situations and each of us learns differently. Rise+Prosper has several different program options to meet your individual needs.

speaker for teen audiences

Enroll + Gain Access

Upon enrolling, you'll receive a login to the program site and begin with an on-demand onboarding session to help you get started.

parenting keynote

Independent But Not Alone

Our personal journeys overlap while also being unique. Coaching and guidance takes the guess-work out of applying the program to your individual life and dreams.

Join Now

Participants Say...

"This program is amazing. It really helped everything come together and instead of all these ideas just being on paper. Phase 2 was my time to start creating a plan that I can actually live. Live from your heart. One that feels attainable and flexible. I have a tangible plan now that I look at everyday and feel successful on a daily basis and still dream big dreams and work towards them.  I am so grateful for Karin and the opportunity to be here and be part of this."

-Jen, BC

"This was a very powerful experience. I have struggled to create a clear vision for my future. You have structured this content and these exercises in a way that have helped me to illuminate what I have been squinting at for so long. I feel this vision becoming much more clear. This program lit a spark that is growing into a bonfire of revelation!"

-Cody, UT

"Completing the overall macro of this plan plus some of the detail has given me a plan. Your planning sheets and materials have helped me so much in moving forward. Thanks again Karin as your work is so essential!"

-John, FL

"Big year for me in 2023 and it wouldn't have happened without your class and me figuring out my priorities and my hang ups! The Rise+Prosper program helped me break old thought habits and unhelpful stories I was either taught or believed. Karin helped me confront my patterns, question them and redirect them. I went to her class for help in the stock market and came out with a success program for life. An openness to the future and opportunities! When the student is ready the teacher will appear!” 

-Monica, CO

“Karin has a soft-guided approach and her desire to ensure I get what I need out of the program is re-assuring. Karin's ability to relate makes me feel confident I made the right decision to join the program.”

—Lisa, MN

What's included in Rise+Prosper?

The complete Rise+Prosper program includes:

Guided Life Planning

There are 4-key areas of life: Self, Relationships, Contribution and Money. You'll receive the resources, templates and individualized guidance you need to create a clear, concise roadmap that harmonizes all 4 areas of life AND is sustainable for the long haul.

Money Mapping

You'll receive tools, resources and assessment around the key income sources available to you, and money mindset. You'll learn the basic skills you need to make decisions and achieve financial freedom. Best of all, you'll create a plan you can actually follow to get you there, no matter where you're starting.*

*note: there will be no financial advise or recommendations provided. The program and coaching is for educational purposes only. Please see Disclaimer!

Live group coaching sessions

Karin's expertly led coaching sessions are a hands-on, personalized experience. This is your time to ask questions and find your way. You'll get help finding solutions to obstacles and identify what you need to ensure forward motion. You'll have the opportunity to brainstorm and share experiences and journeys in a high-trust community of like-minded individuals. These sessions are conducted via Zoom. Have to miss a session? No worries, you can submit questions ahead of time and have access to the replay!

Weekly Focus

To create real change, you need quick, practical ways to apply what you're learning to your life. You'll build fresh habits so you can stay calm when the going gets tough. Weekly action steps and assignments will help you create momentum and maintain the consistent progress that leads you to living out your dreams while fitting into your already packed days.

What results can you expect to achieve?

  • Clarity (or confirmation) around who you are and what makes you tick
  • A personal vision that's harmonized across all 4 key areas of life
  • Consistent progress toward your goals in all areas of life
  • A more peaceful, balanced rhythm of life
  • Confidence and competence in your ability to achieve your personal vision
  • Creation of a plan to set and execute on your personal financial goals
  • Development of positive habits and life-changing behaviors
  • Elimination of energy-drains and time wasters
  • Better understanding and control over your thoughts and emotions

Is Rise+Prosper For You?

It is if you want a “whole-person” approach AND you want to learn how to use your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions to shape your habits and behaviors so you can step into the life you truly want to live.

Become part of the Rise+Prosper Tribe

Join today and ditch the overwhelm and frustration you've been feeling.

What's Included:

This limited time offer includes access to

all 3 phases of Rise+Prosper through December 31, 2024

  • Phases 1 & 2 in self-guided format so you can go at your own pace
  • Phase 3 lifestyle program, including monthly "deeper dives" & hot seat coaching
  • Annual Planning workshop in December
  • Monthly Zoom with live coaching and accountability and Q&A
  • Unlimited coaching support and Q&A via program site

All for about the price of a cup of coffee each day.

You can't afford not to do this.

This offer is ending soon:
